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$10 Free for New Customers
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Report Abuse

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Abuse Reporting Policy: We provide a robust system for you to report violations of our Terms and Conditions, as well as illegal or nonconsensual content. We intend to operate this system as efficiently and quickly as possible in a fair and reasonable manner. We strive to resolve all reports within seven (7) business days and provide clear guidelines to prevent issues from recurring. If a violation has occurred, we will determine the appropriate remedy and take the necessary action. Any content deemed to be illegal is removed immediately. We will not take action against other users for activity that happens on another platform or offline. In instances where disputes over consent cannot be resolved internally, such disputes are submitted to a neutral arbitration association at our expense. Once an action is taken or if more information is needed from you, we will contact you by email or other electronic message.

Repeat and Egregious Offenders: We reserve the right to take advanced actions against those users that (1) repeatedly violate our rules, or (2) engage in a single egregious violation of our rules. These advanced actions may include but are not limited to deleting your account and banning you from using this Site in the future.

NOTE ON COPYRIGHT ISSUES: If you are a victim of copyright infringement, you must submit a takedown request that complies with our DMCA Policy.

Non-consensual Content
Exposed Personally Identifiable Information
Underage Material
Trademark Infringement
Prostitution or Trafficking
Other (describe Below)

By signing below, you certify, under penalty of perjury, that you are the person named in this report and all information provided by you is accurate and complete.


Please use the controls below to play this greeting.

Why am I seeing this?Your web browser denied our attempt to auto play this greeting for you.

  • Redeem an Offer

    Enter the code exactly as it appears on the advertisement. If you are redeeming a Talk Card scratch off to reveal the code on the back of your card.

  • You're almost there!

  • Success! X added to your wallet!

Are you sure you want to cancel this connection and close this window?

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You are about to send a private message to . You can send a text only introductory message for free. Additional text-only messages are , and messages with attachments start at .


You are about to have a one-on-one private phone call with for . Press the continue button below when you are ready to have the system connect you. If you prefer, you can also dial into the system directly and pay using your credit card without creating an account. If you are not 100% satisfied with your call experience please let us know.


If you prefer to dial in call:


When prompted for a profile number enter:


You are about to have a private one-on-one text messaging session with . Prices start from only . A smart phone with texting is required to use this service. Press the continue button below when you are ready.


You are about to start a one-on-one chat session with for . When you are ready to get started click the continue button below.


You are about to send a voicemail to for . When you are ready to get started click the continue button below.

Please login to continue.

An account is required to continue beyond this point. Please create a free account or login now to continue.

Please verify your phone number.

Thanks for joining, we also require all new accounts to add and verify a phone number before we can connect you. Please take a moment to handle this now, you will only need to do this once.

Your wallet is empty.

The last thing you need to do is setup your wallet on our site. Your wallet funds can be used for any service, with any talker on our site. If this is your first time you can claim $10 free with no purchase necessary just by adding a valid credit card. To connect with you will need to add money to your account.To connect with you will need to add money to your account, or add a credit card to pay for the call as you go.

Your wallet balance is low.

Your wallet balance only has z. We recommend adding more funds to your wallet before you continue. If your balance runs out you will be disconnected.

Confirm your phone call settings:
Payment Plan: My Phone Number: Payment Options:
Credit Card:
Tell me about Calls
Confirm your text message settings:
Payment Plan: My Phone Number: * International users may get billed for additional charges per text message by their cell phone provider and those charges will appear on your phone statement. Tell me about Texting
Select a Web Chat Payment Plan: * Please don't disclose any personal information for your own safety purposes. We will never ask you for your password or credit card information! Tell me about Web Chat
Starting your ...

An error occured:
Must be over 18 to use this site.